Day 4: Stir Fried Noodles with Peanut Sauce, Gai Lan & Snow Peas

Day 4 was the start of my second week of Blue Apron. The first week went so well that I want to keep things going and I was excited to see what was in store for this week.

I’m not complaining after the god awful winter we just had, but this week has been REALLY hot… in the 90’s some days! When the weather gets so hot, cooking in a hot kitchen, on a hot stove, away from my air conditioner, is absolutely not what I wanted to be doing. This recipe had a prep/cook time of under 30 minutes, the least of all of the recipes this week, so I decided to give it a go.

There were some new-t0-me ingredients in this week’s recipe. I’ve had coconut milk, but never coconut milk powder. It was basically just a powder that you mix with 1/4 C of water to make a thin sauce. I also used sweet soy sauce which has the consistency of molasses, and sriracha which is generally too hot for me on its own but I found that it had gave a great progressive heat to this recipe- not too spicy. I also tried Gai Lan which is a green that I’ve never worked with for; it reminded me of baby bok choy a lot.

The recipe came out great, but surprisingly wasn’t my favorite of all of the Blue Apron meals I had so far, and hubby also agreed- his comment as we were eating dinner was “It’s really good, but it just feels like we’re eating Pad Thai, not anything special”. We eat Pad Thai a lot. Too much, haha. I felt like this recipe could have used a bit more salt, and maybe more scallions or something to give it more zing. But it sure was pretty to look at. If I made it again, I’d try adding more peanut butter, more sriracha, more scallions, and some shrimp. More of everything! Portions were large though and I was super full after my meal. I drank a Reingeist Truth IPA with it, which was a nice compliment to the spice in the dish.

Their Version: 


My Version: 


Looks better with a beer, right??? If you’d like to try it, you can find the recipe here. If you’re counting weight watchers points, this one was 17ppv’s per serving – kind of high for dinner, but planning will go a long way! Cheers!

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