Day 5: Seared Salmon with Sorrel Salad and Creamy Barley

Day 5 with Blue Apron brought us seared salmon filets over a creamy barley (almost like a risotto) with sorrel “salad” (not really a salad per-se, but more like a garnish). This dish was another winner for me, and we loved the tangy lemon in the barley.

The one thing I enjoyed most about this recipe was actually learning how to sear salmon. I eat salmon a LOT but I usually go the easy route of seasoning and baking a filet in the oven at 450 until ready. The technique used in this was to dry the filets first – I had never done that before and it made a huge difference in being able to get the filets seared and crispy on the outside while still staying tender in the middle. I seasoned them with a little salt & pepper and then finished them with butter, spooning it over the filets as they cooked. Came out absolutely perfect.

I had never made barley from scratch before either, and have learned that it’s a grain that I really like and it’s super easy to make  – just boil it in a pot of water with some salt for about 18 minutes, drain and you’re done. Once cooked, you put it aside while you finish the salmon, and then go back to finish the barley by adding some dill, lemon zest and lemon, olive oil, S&P, cooked spinach with garlic, and some sour cream to make it creamy. I’ve been impressed that the “creamy” dishes have been able to achieve that level of creaminess with so little dairy. This recipe was maybe 1/4 C of sour cream, and last week I made pasta with ricotta and it used maybe a half cup of ricotta but added so much flavor.

Their version:


My version: 


You can find the recipe here. Y’all know I’m a craft beer fan. I paired this with a Maine Beer Company Lunch , not necessarily because I thought it would pair well but because I had a fresh one and really wanted to drink it! I think this would pair well with a nice saison that would pick up some of the lemon and earthy notes from the sorrel. Aeronaut brewing in Somerville is putting out some nice saisons lately if you want to try something local to MA.


If you’re counting weight watchers points, this one is 17ppv’s per serving.

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